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My blog is Currently on Hold as I am Working on my new book: The Intentional Marriage: 10 Biblical and Scientific Practices for a Happy & Successful Marriage. Feel free to send me comments on what you would like to see added and on what you felt you were missing with other marriage books. My Goal is to have this Published by the end of 2023.
Perhaps you have picked this book up because you want to ensure the rest of your days with your partner are successful or perhaps your marriage has strain and you want to find out how to build that connection again. You may even be a church leader or counselor and desire to have tools you can use to help those seeking counsel. There are many marriage books that have good advice and tickle the ears but leave couples worse off than when they began reading the book or stuck in the same place of knowing what to do but not knowing how to do it. Many couples I have counseled have told me they know what makes them feel loved and know what makes their partner feel loved. And believe me, I have had far to many couples come to counseling after recieving instruction to add love and respect to their relationship. Yet, they still feel disconnected and many of them find themselves getting in increased arguments. The goal I had with this book is to provide something that would be more helpful than the best sellers out there and help you to put in practice the things that will help you create a happy successful marriage.
This book is a guide to take you on a 40 day journey that will not only explain why things go wrong in romantic relationships but take you on a journey of discovery to help you to create a lasting relationship or restore the love bond you once had. A 40 day journey is significant in a Biblical sense as its recurrence (over 140 times) is associated with times of trials or testing’s and then transformations or promises that led to redemption. For instance, in the old testament we have 40 days and 40 nights of raining. Noah's family endured the flood and its rains and were able to restart their lives. We then have the Israelites who wandered the desert for 40 years due to their doubt in Gods promise of victory. In the new testament, the number 40 still keeps the meaning it has in the old testament. For instance, Jesus was tempted for 40 days and 40 nights and their were 40 days between Jesus’ resurrection and ascension. I challenge you to commit to implementing the exercises in this book for the next 40 days and experience the transformation. For ease of use, I have broken the book up into 40 small chapters.
Sir Frances Bacon famously stated that knowledge is power (Azamfirei 2016). In the case of marriage books, there is a lot of voodoo science that makes a good read, provides excitement but does not provide power to change. Good science, however, is empowering and an essential element to setting a good foundation for practicing what works. One thing I love is that good science doesn’t contradict Gods word but is supported by it through instruction in righteousness. This book starts with setting a firm foundation in each chapter and then in the latter half of the chapter discusses how you can implement the knowledge and then has exercises to help you grow your love bond. This will first start with a chapter on the science of love, and then a chapter on how to begin getting out of the cycle that keeps you disconnected. If you put it into practice, soon you will be communicating with a breath of fresh air, the way God intended.
My Research on Empathy Based Strain Among Emotionally Focused Couples Therapist Working With Couples Experiencing Infidelity

Coming Eventually. Feel free to give me suggestions on topics you wouldn't mind seeing here.
Jer 29:11
Why I don't Recommend the book 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
Common sex issues in the Marriage Bed and how to Address them
The Best Basics for Addressing Anxiety
The Best Basics for Addressing Depression
Causes of Anxiety
Causes of Depression
Dealing with Church Conflict
Learning how to set Boundaries (A different take than Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend)
Questions to ask your husband
Questions to ask your wife
Scripture versus that discuss anxiety and depression
A brief discussion on Bible hero's who dealt with emotional struggles, depression, anxiety and suicide.
Nouthetic Counseling versus Christian Counseling versus Counseling from a Christian versus, Christian Counseling combined with Secular Psychology.
Take a moment to take your focus off your struggles and just focus on Jesus and his word. Take some deep breaths and ground yourself on a solid rock. Listen to this short music video and consider the Majesty of God. Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth! "